Fatigue and Your Physical and Mental Health
Let’s Talk About Fatigue.
You slept for eight hours, you ate breakfast, it’s the middle of the day but you’re dragging yourself around and can’t get out of first gear. If you are constantly feeling sluggish or fatigued throughout the day it could be the result of a number of health issues, but you should first ask yourself some basic questions. Are you getting enough restful sleep? Are you eating a proper diet? Are you managing stress throughout the day? Are you getting enough exercise? These lifestyle habits are the buildings blocks to feeling energized and alert during your day.
1. Sleeping well. Many people suffer from poor sleep habits. Better sleep is often achieved through the establishment of a routine. Eliminate screens such as television, computers, and phones an hour before bed. The blue light from such devices can negatively affect the sleep hormone melatonin. If you find yourself awake and unable to sleep due to your mind racing, keeping a journal or diary and writing in it before bed is a good way to unload your mind and put some of those thoughts down so they are not locked inside your head as you try to sleep.
2. Proper diet. A vast number of Americans do not consume a healthy diet. Meals high in fat and sugar with little or no fiber, fast food, and processed food all take their toll on your well being. Make sure you are eating at least five servings of fruits and vegetables a day. Consume lean sources of protein and fats from unrefined whole foods, not oils added to food. Carrying healthy snacks that contain some complex carbohydrates and good fats can provide a pick me up without the crash of candy or high sugar treats.
3. Exercise. At least thirty minutes of exercise, every day. Human beings were made to move, if you are not moving you are not thriving. Exercise improves circulation, and blood carries oxygen to your cells and your brain. Modern society involves a lot of sitting, so your legs are not pumping efficiently moving blood back to your heart against gravity. If you are sitting for prolonged periods of time, take frequent breaks to walk or pace around, it will improve your energy levels.
4. Managing stress. If you are sleeping well, eating well, and exercising, you are already on your way to managing stress! Life is stressful, and you need strategies to cope with that stress.
First, identify sources of stress in your life. Family, work, spouse, there are many factors which may contribute to you feeling stressed. Once you identify who or what is stressing you, start keeping a stress journal. Write down what caused you stress, how you felt physically and emotionally, how you reacted and what you did in response to the stress.
Now identify whether what you did to cope with your stress was healthy and beneficial or harmful and unproductive. Replace bad coping habits such as procrastinating and bingeing on junk food with good habits such as helping others, talking to a friend or mentor, or going for a walk in nature.
Fatigue can have many causes, but lifestyle changes like the ones outlined above can go a long way in improving your energy levels. If you adopt some or all of these strategies and your fatigue improves, great!If your fatigue persists or is unaffected by lifestyle modification, you may need to see a health care professional.
Through its various impactful therapeutic services, Omni can help you generate new energy and maximize your quality of life. Contact us today and share what you are feeling and we can look for ways to help!